Samuel Rhodes

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Wholesale draper and cheese dealer

Born 1802/3. Died 25 June 1875 (aged 72) at Bank Top.

Came to Kendal in 1826.

In 1830 he moved his business premises from Stricklandgate? to 58 Highgate, moving his business (Samuel Rhodes and Sons) across the road to 37 Highgate in 1835. Elizabeth Winder carried on a similar business in 58 Highgate after he left.

On 22 December 1849 he announced in the Kendal Mercury
'SAMUEL RHODES RESPECTFULLY intimates to his Friends and the Public generally, on the 1st of January, his Drapery Establishment will be conducted in the names of SAMUEL RHODES & SON.
, presumably following his son John achieving his majority and entering the family firm.

In the 1851 Census it says he was born in Preston, Lancs. He is described as 47, a draper employing 6 assistants and his sons John (24) and William (17) are also drapers. James (12) who later joined him as a draper was still at school living with him and his wife Elizabth (48) then at what appears to be 37 Highgate presumably 'over the shop' or close by (Census record No.159 in ED2b). There was also Thomas (21), already a watchmaker and Edmund (14) who later joined him to form T&E Rhodes jewellers at 19 Highgate (mentioned recently). They also had a House Servant, Isabella Croasdale (20) living in.

He lived at Bank Top, (now part of Greenside) in 1861 but purchased plots of land to the north including what became 1 Greenside (now 42 Greenside following re-numbering) where he was having a house built. Plans were submitted in 1861 by Miles Thompson (the architect) and passed in 1862 so it can be assumed it was built fairly soon after that. He also owned the plot of land on the opposite side of Greenside which became 1 Bankfield (now Highgrove Bankfield following being turned into appartments)). 1 and 2 Bankfield Garden have been built relatively recently on the same plot. Theses two plots were purchased following the Kendal Fell Trust Act 1861 which allowed the land to be sold off that was previously enclosed for the benefit of the town. Strangely quite a bit of the land valuable for housing was sold off to the Trustees of Kendal Fell Lands (of whom Samuel Rhodes was one!)

It seems he was involved with the Windermere and Lancaster Railway, The Board of Health and the Kendal Gas and Water Company

Trustee of Kendal Fell Lands in 1861


Kendal Mercury Saturday 12 May 1860

'THE KENDAL FELL LANDS ... lands falling into the hands of the richer viduals. The resolution was then pat from the chair, and carried ' nem. con. Mr Rhodes proposed the next resolution, as follows:— That committee and the same is hereby appointed to , confer with the Trustees ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 15 March 1862

'... these lots, comprising together 1,443 square yards, and being choice sites, were, after a spirited bidding, knocked down to Mr Rhodes at 2s. lOd. per square yard. The adjoining two lots, containing 837 yards were bought Mr Me. Donald for 2s. 6d. per yard. ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 05 April 1862

'... diverge on the left at right angles into another road of the same width leading into the Underbarrow road, at the corner of Mr Rhodes' house. The only piece of the footpath that was sought to be entirely closed, and for which there was- not equivalent provided ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 28 February 1863

'... expectations some disappointment might ensue; and beside, a false estimate of the market value of the shares might be created. Mr Rhodes, who had, he said, acquired the not very enviable title of grumbler-general for the denizens of the Beast Banks, complained ...'

Kendal Mercury Friday 04 September 1863

'THE SERPENTINE WALKS—PUBLIC MEETING ... the footpath at the back of the house of Mr Rhodes was considered Mr Rhodes was a Trustee and did a great leal of work for Mr Whitwell and Mr J. J. Wilson, md it was decreed that the field behind Mr Rhodes' louse at Skewbarrow should not be built upon ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 12 September 1863

'LOCAL INTELLIGENCE ... correction of our report of the public meeting held on this subject last week. Hawkes says :— You make me to say that Mr Rhodes wanted the bit of land behind his house for a deer park. What I did say (humorously), was that Mr K. might want it for a deer ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 03 October 1863

'... all respects satisfactory. Election or Kendal Fell Trustees.—Messrs. W. H. Wakefield, W. Wakefield, T. Busher, and Samuel Rhodes, who retired from office by rotation, on the Ist of October, were re-elected on Thursday last. They will hold office for three ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 23 January 1864

'THE CHRONICLES OF KENDAL AND NEIGHBOURHOOD ... Alexander and Clarke. Three New Residences Sunny Brow by Messrs Richmond and Derome. One New Residence Bank Top by Mr Samuel Rhodes. One New Residence Bankfield by Mr Samuel Duxbury. Four New Residences on Kendal Fell by Messrs. Boak, Hiscock, Rook, &c ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 05 March 1864

'COUNCIL MEETING ... committee. Offer to Put Seats. The Chairman said Mr Samuel Rhodes asked permission to put up some seats for public convenience on the road side, on the top of the hill, near the lime kilns. Mr Rhodes would do it at his own expense, but he did not think it ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 23 April 1864

'BOARD OF GUARDIANS ... Kendal Workhouse.—The Chairman and Vice-Chairman, Messrs. Edwd. Burton, Samuel Gawith, James Edmondson, Matthew Redhead, Samuel Rhodes, 1 James Thompson, John Greenhow, Job Bintley, Thos. Russell, John Morton, John Dennison, Thoa. Wilson, J. J. Banks. Visitors ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 06 August 1864

'TOWN COUNCIL MEETING ... :—The Mayor, Aid. Wilson, Councillors Braithwaite, Head, Ireland, and Hudson. Vote Thanks to Mr Rhodes. Mr C. Wilkinson moved a vote of thanks to Mr 8. Rhodes for the excellent and substantial seats had put up at his own expense on the road past the Lime ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 10 September 1864

'BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING ... out where most needed. After a 6hort conversation this was agreed to. Vote of thanks to Mr. S. Rhodes. It was intimated that though a vote of thanks Rhodes for the substantial stone seats which he had put up on the Underbarrow road, had been agreed to ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 20 May 1865

'... workmen being on the spot. For particulars apply personally or by letter to: Miles Thompson, Esq., Architect; or to Mr Samuel Rhodes '

Kendal Mercury Saturday 03 June 1865

'TO JOINERS AND HOUSE CARPENTERS. ANTED, a number GOOD HANDS Wages litis, per week. Hours, 7 o'clock on Monday .. ... workmen being on the spot. For particulars apply personally or letter to Miles Thompson, Esq., Architect; or to Mr Samikl Rhodes, or Mr Thomas Busher, Drapers, Kendal. 19th of May, 1805. ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 28 October 1865

'... Wilson, Esq. occupied the chair, and opened the meeting with few appropriate words. -Mr Hudson proposed that Mr Rhodes 1* re-elected. Mr Rhodes who was present expressed his desire withdraw from the Council! Proposed Mr Williamson and seconded Mr William ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 04 November 1865

'... Corporation. I intend honestly and independently to do my best for the good of the town at large. Yours respectfully, SAMUEL RHODES. Bank lop, Kendal, Nov. 2nd, 18(55. ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 04 November 1865

'LIVELY MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF THE WEST WARD ... and his birthplace, If was elected, he would do his best for the good of the community* (Cheers.) Mr T. llioson proposed S. Rhodes a thoroughly competent man to represent them in Council. He believed they all knew that was not an untried man. His duties ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 04 November 1865

'... purpas) fur & figger ov eiqht, t'pappur pitched wun soide, but stop bit— voting pappur coom in afoor t'clock struck, for Mestur Rhodes, that pitched ta wun soide ? ask t'vennerable cheermon that question an' see wot he ses. Just anuthcr wurd or two, Mestur ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 11 November 1865

'... action. I can assure Mr Rhodes it will not a feather in his cap, but a regular town's quibble. Personally, I wish Mr Rhodes well; he is a man I always respected, and shall continue to do so; I only hope that Messrs Rhodes and Compston will do their ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 15 December 1866

'THE PROPOSAL TO BUILD COTTAGES IN SKEWBARROW FIELD ... William Wilson (Castle Meadows), G. P. Braithwaite, J. G. J. Ireland, John Hudson, J. Farrer, T. Basher, J. Fisher, and <stong>S. Rhodes</strong>. Mr. Joseph Swainson, solicitor, on behalf of the deputation, laid their views on the subject at some length before the members ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 29 December 1866

'SAMUEL RHODES expressing his gratitude for the many favors he has received from circle of friends for a long .. ... youngest son, James Rhodes. The Business will be carried on by his three Sons, under the name of Samuel Rhodes and Sons, for whom he now solicits continuance the patronage hitherto so liberally given. SAMUEL RHODES AND SONS Wish inform ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 05 January 1867

'BOARD OF HEALTH ... lie wished the the board would do so. Aid. Wilson said it was a very good idea of Mr. Rhodes. There ought to be a tank just opposite Mr. Rhodes' door. Coun. Rhodes thought thore ought not to be any such thing. After some further conversation it was decided ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 23 March 1867

'Valuable Newly-erected DWELLING HOUSES, on Victoria Terrace, Kendal, for Sale. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. .. ... prospect not to be surpassed in the neighbourhood of Kendal. Further information may be obtained on application to Mr. Samuel Rhodes, Bank Top; Mr. Thomas Busher, Higbgate; to the Auctioneer; or at the Office of Mr. C. Gardner Thomson, Solicitor, Kendal. ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 11 May 1867

'... &c., attached. Situated Victoria eri .ace, (now in the occupation of Mr. Thornton, who s having the town.) Apply to Mr. S. Rhodes, Bank Top; or Mr. T. Busher, 82, Highgate, Kendal.'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 01 May 1869

'... who will give i possession or before Whitsuntide next. For particulars apply to Mr. Mark, on tbe premises, or to Mr. Samuel Rhodes. Bank Top, Kendal, April 23,1869'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 12 June 1869

'THE ATTEMPT TO CLOSE THE SCOUT SCAR FOOT ROAD ... Hall. Mr. Alderman Wilson was in the chair, and among the company noticed Aid. Braithwaite, Councillors Willison, t arrer, Rhodes, nnd Edmondson, and several other influential tradespeople of the town. Hie Ciiaikmax, in opening the meeting said that the ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 05 February 1870

'THE grttrDAli ME BCD BY ... modern house, it attracted largo attendance of buyers and lookers on, it wbi briikly to and orentaally feU too lot of Mr 8. Rhode! for £M. Mmy patriei thought it well worth the money.-A •mall oottag* in bock on the Beast Bank! wni acid the oune erening ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 05 March 1870

'MARRIAGES ... MARRIAGE. At our Church, the let inaUnt, by the Her. Archdeacon Cooper, James, youngest son of Samual Rhodes Esq., of Bank Top, to Mary Anne, elder daughter of the late James Sinkinson, Esq., of this town. Same place and day, by the Her. P. Scamell curate ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 15 October 1870

'LOCAL AND DISTRICT INTELLIGENCE ... LOCAL AND DISTRICT INTELLIGENCE. The election of Town Councillor for the West Ward, place of Mr Samuel Rhodes, who was elected Alderman, on Tuesday, will take place at the Town Hall, on Thursday, October 20th.'

Kendal Mercury 14 November 1874

'KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL ... servant, Alderman Rhodes, be the Mayor of for the ensuing year (applause). Mr GinsiiN said he had very great pleasure in supporting the nomination of Alderman Rhodes. d the services of that gentleman ought be He could assure them that .Mr Rhodes was the first ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 05 December 1874

'KENDAL CHRISTMAS MARKET AND HOLIDAYS. NOTICE. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Bank Holidays Act, 1871, SATURDAY .. ... instead thereof a MARKET will be held on THURSDAY, the 24th day of December next Dated the 24th day of November, 1874. SAMUEL RHODES, Mayor. ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 26 June 1875

'DEATH OF THE MAYOR ... OF THE MAYOR. It is with great regret that we have to announce the death of the Worshipful the Mayor Kendal (Cllr. Alderman Rhodes], who died on Friday morning alter a protracted illness. The deceased gentleman, who has for years post occupied prominent ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 26 June 1875

'DEATHS. At his residence. Bank Top, Kendal, on Friday morning, Samuel Rhodes, Ex., Mayor of this Borough, aged years.'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 03 July 1875

'FUNERAL OF THE LATE MAYOR ... procession, but were unavoidably prevented from doing so. THE LATE MR ALDERMAN RHODES. Ib JUitor t f ilk, Kendal Mercwf. Sir, —I read with considerable emotion your announcement of Mr Rhodes’ death ia year but impression. Musing on the event in my easy in the quiet ...'

Kendal Mercury Saturday 03 July 1875

'TOWN COUNCIL. meeting the Kendal Town Council was held on Tuesday afternoon, and the.o weie present, Aldermen .. ... that they wen on the talk little quicker than the feelings of the gentlemen present were prepared for. He that the loss of Rhodes would be deeply felt throughout too town, and he was sure that they, as members of the Corporation, felt it very deeply. He ...'

Kendal Mercury

Corporation of Kendal

Councillor 1861

Alderman 1870

Mayor of Kendal 1874 (died in office)

Other notes

Dwelling house in Villa Bank Field, Kendal, for Samuel Rhodes Esq. (Plans 1 & 2)

Reference: WSMB/K11/Book 2/299

Title: Dwelling house in Villa Bank Field, Kendal, for Samuel Rhodes Esq. (Plans 1 & 2)

Architect: J. Bintley Date: 7 Feb. 1871

(This record is held by Cumbria Archive Centre, Kendal)